Frequently Asked Questions:

Kick-off your coaching journey with a discovery session. This is where the coach and client come together to discover what they want to work on, and set goals for the future.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a process of working collaboratively with a coach to meet an individual’s goals.

Coaching is a process in which one person, the coach, works with another person, the coachee to help them reach their goals.

The coaching session generally starts with an introductory conversation between the coach and the coachee. This conversation can be about anything but it is often centered on what the coachee wants to achieve and what they have already tried. The coach then asks questions to understand where they are coming from and what they want. The coachee then tells their story while sharing thoughts, feelings and insights.

What happens in a coaching session?

.Depending on the client’s goals, the coach may help set up a plan of action at a specific time frame or for a longer period.

A coaching session is an opportunity to reflect on what you want and how you want it. It’s also a chance to get outside feedback on your progress and to make adjustments as needed.


How is Coaching done?

Coaching can be done in-person, over the telephone, zoom, skype or any other medium of video calling. It is much like having a conversation with someone who wants to understand you better.

Is coaching result oriented?

Coaching is very goal-oriented and result-driven. For each session, a goal is decided and corrective actions are taken. To make the desired outcome a reality. Coaching is not for everyone. It’s for those who are serious about their progress and want to make a lasting change in their life.

A coach might be the one who helps you reach your goals faster than you would have reached them on your own. They help you get out of your comfort zone so that you can grow into the person that you want to be!

What are the benefits of coaching?

Coaching provides individuals with accountability, support and guidance that they might not be able to receive on their own. It also gives them tools to improve their areas of weakness and develop new skills.

What are the steps in Coaching?

Coaching entails the discovery of the underlying problem and finding out innovative solutions.

The steps in coaching are:

1) Discovery of the underlying problem 2) Inventive solution 3) Smart action plan 4) Execution 5) Evaluation and re-adjustment

Is coaching affordable?

The truth is that coaching can be affordable and the results are unmatched by any fee that can be set for this kind of service. 

A coach will help you set goals and achieve them. A coach will provide you with support and guidance as you work towards your goals. A coach will remind you to take care of yourself, so you won’t burn out or get sick because of stress. A coach will help you find creative solutions when there’s a problem, or when it feels like there’s no way out. All these things cost nothing but your time and energy, but they’re worth every minute spent on them!

Similar: counselling, mentoring or consulting?

Coaching is a process of helping someone achieve their desired goals. It is different from counseling, mentoring, or consulting because it is more focused on the future and not on past events. Coaches are there to help the person develop their skills, and identify what they want and how they can get it.

It is true that coaching has a lot in common with counseling, mentoring, or consulting. But coaching is a more active process where people are guided to find solutions for themselves.


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